CD Concert-presentation
12th March 2021
Barcelona: Teatre de Sarrià, at 20:00
Isabel Fèlix, piano
Concert-presentation of the CD “Margarida Orfila, obra pianística”
“VII Cicle de Música, Dones i Compositores”
12th March 2021
Barcelona: Teatre de Sarrià, at 20:00
Isabel Fèlix, piano
Concert-presentation of the CD “Margarida Orfila, obra pianística”
“VII Cicle de Música, Dones i Compositores”
12th September 2020
Maó: Teatre Principal, at 21:00
Isabel Fèlix, piano
Presentation of the CD “Margarida Orfila, obra pianística”
19th August 2020
Review at the magazine Sinfonía Virtual about the new CD “Margarida Orfila, obra pianística” de Isabel Fèlix.
29th July 2020
Review at the magazine Sonograma about the new CD “Margarida Orfila, obra pianística” de Isabel Fèlix.
1st July 2020
Reportage at the programm Tots els matins del món of Catalunya Música, about the new CD “Margarida Orfila, obra pianística” by Isabel Fèlix, piano: “Isabel Fèlix reviu la música per a piano de Margarida Orfila”.
28th June 2020
Interview at the programm La Ruta d’Orfeu of IB3 Ràdio about the new CD “Margarida Orfila, obra pianística” by Isabel Fèlix, piano.
19th June de 2020
Interview at the programm Tots els matins del món of Catalunya Música, about the new CD “Margarida Orfila, obra pianística” by Isabel Fèlix, piano: “La pianista Isabel Fèlix enregistra Margarida Orfila”.
2nd June 2020
Reportage at Diari Menorca About the new CD “Margarida Orfila, obra pianística” by Isabel Fèlix, piano: “El eco de Margarida Orfila”
From 27th to 29th August 2019
Barcelona: Petit Palau (Palau de la Música Catalana)
Complete works for solo piano by Margarida Orfila (1889-1970)
15th February 2019
Interview at the programm Assaig general of Catalunya Música about the new CD “L’âme evaporée” of the double bassist Xisco Aguiló and the pianist Isabel Fèlix.