Project Description

“Fantasies by Mozart”

Isabel Fèlix and Elisenda Pujals present a selection of Lieder and Fantasies by Mozart with all the tonal richness that provides a period fortepiano* of the time. From simple popular style songs, operatic scenes or songs like love and friendship letters, about satirical, romantic or dramatic themes to anticipate Romanticism with dreamy motifs, contrasting with its own dramatic moments of the Sturm und Drang. Delicate and exciting music scenes of one of the most fanciful and imaginative composers in history.

*Fortepiano Walter & Sohn ca. 1805 (Paul McNulty, 2008)

Video “Das Lied der Trennung”, winner at Videoclàssics competition of Festival de Pasqua de Cervera, 2015.

PROGRAM “Fantasies by Mozart” – soprano and fortepiano
An Chloë KV 524 / Sehnsucht nach dem Frühlinge KV 596 / Gesellenreise KV 468 / Das Veilchen / Fantasy for piano in d minor KV 397 (385g) / Dans un bois solitaire KV 295b (1778) / Oiseaux, si tous les ans KV 284d / Abendempfindung KV 523 / Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte KV 520 / Fantasy for piano in c minor KV 475 / Das Lied der Trennung KV 519 / Der Zauberer KV 472