Project Description
“Barcelona Belle Époque”
Isabel Fèlix and Laura Gaya start working together in late 2013 and in 2015 they present their first album “Barcelona Belle Époque” (Solfa Recordings, 2015) with the complete works for violin and piano by four composers from the Barcelona of the beginning of the 20th century, known as the noucentista generation: Joan Massià, Margarida Orfila, Manuel Blancafort and Frederic Mompou.
Photos Daria Petrillo
PROGRAMA “Barcelona Belle Époque” – violin and piano
M. Orfila: Frisança, Barcarola and Scherzando / M. Blancafort: Romança de saló, Per l’Helena and Pastorel·la / Joan Massià: Intrata, Rigaudon, Amoroso and Allegro spiritoso / F. Mompou: Altitud, Jeunes filles au jardin, Elegia, Cançó i dansa nº1, Cançó i dansa nº6 and Cançó i dansa nº7